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Showing Results for tag: fair-funding-2020


Why Ralph Northam’s proposal to raise the gas tax is a good idea

The last time Virginia raised its per-gallon exise tax on gas was in 1986. It took more than a quarter-century after that for elected officials to raise new funds to bail out the state’s beleaguered roads, mainly through a sales tax increase in 2013. Now, seven years later, Mr. Northam has acted before a new emergency forces his hand. That looks like an improvement. Read More

Editorial: Time to address our infrastructure deficits

According to TRIP, a Washington, D.C.-based transportation research nonprofit, nearly one third of major local- and state-maintained roads are “poor or mediocre.” More than 600 local- and state-maintained bridges of at least 20 feet in length are “poor/structurally deficient.” Those deficits cost drivers in the Richmond area more than $1,500 per year in added vehicle operating costs, traffic accidents and congestion delays. Read More

A Fair Funding Solution for our Roads and Bridges

A recent VDOT report discloses the unacceptable state of transportation in Virginia. According to the report, nearly 650 of Virginia’s bridges are classified as structurally deficient. And yet, thousands of Virginians have to continue driving across those bridges each day.   Read More